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September 2018, Vol. 17, No. 6

Examples of hypervisors and how they're supported in HCI products

Hyper-converged infrastructure has become an increasingly complex segment of the data center architecture market over the last few years. The definition of hyper-convergence has expanded as this technology continues to fracture into more targeted products. One critical aspect of HCI that's evolved over time is hypervisor support. Examples of hypervisors used in hyper-convergence vary. Early iterations of common hyper-converged systems focused on extending the capabilities of offerings from companies such as VMware and, later, Microsoft. Early hyper-converged offerings for VMware vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V may look and act like modern examples of hypervisors in hyper-converged products, but they were intended to simplify and lower the cost of storage for smaller organizations, and that was pretty much it. But over time, some HCI vendors turned to the open source kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) hypervisor as an alternative. HCI pioneer Nutanix is one of the vendors with its own KVM-based hypervisor, but there are others. ...

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